
Find out if you were painted in a distant era, by a famous painter.

Find Me

Discover your artistic doppelgänger at the Prado Museum with our AI-powered tool that matches your face to the closest resemblance in famous masterpieces.


Upload a photo of yourself where your face is clearly visible and we will find out your doppelgänger among more than 10,000 works collected from the Prado museum and 8678 faces.


Understanding the results

A facial similarity detection model in artworks may not be entirely accurate due to the biased data available. The data is influenced by the Museum and its artists, who predominantly depict individuals and situations from a homogenous geographical area. This limited diversity, both ethnically and culturally, leads to a lack of representation in the dataset. We cannot observe consistent results regarding age and gender, as depicted in the following graphs, which highlight differences in these aspects. This lack of representation leads to poor results when the face to match is not properly represented in the dataset.

Number of faces by ethnicity

The number of faces by ethnicity, as the classes and possible biases and errors, are obtained from a Hugging Face model.

Number of faces by gender

The number of faces by gender, as the classes and possible biases and errors, are obtained from a Hugging Face model.


Number of faces by age

The number of faces by age, as the classes and possible biases and errors, are obtained from a Hugging Face model.

Jason Momoa


Analysis Original

San Pedro

by González de la Vega, Diego

Analysis Original
Built by Mario Parreño with